Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What Your Spa Or Hot Tub is Trying to Acquaint You

What Your Spa Or Hot Tub is Trying to Acquaint You - You airing out to use your spa or hot tub and anon you apperceive something is wrong. Either the baptize is cold, which makes for a beneath than agreeable absorb or annihilation is alive at all. The spa appears dead.
If you accept a agenda arrangement in your spa or hot tub with a agenda top control, you aboriginal attending at the top ascendancy affectation to see if it will acquaint you what is traveling on. Looking at your top control, you see abbreviations like SN1 or FLO or even "----". What do these symbols and abbreviations mean?
The symbols and abbreviations displayed on your spas top ascendancy are alleged absurdity codes. They acquaint you that the spa has detected a bearings for which it again tries to identify. Altered accessories manufacturers use altered codes to analyze assertive altitude begin by the spa cocky analytic system.
We will attending at the two spa systems I accept a lot of questions about. Balboa controls and Sundance Spas controls.
Balboa, one of the a lot of accepted spa controls manufacturers, uses the afterward codes.
pd = Ability supply, assemblage active on array backup
OH = Sensors account 112-118 Degrees
Flo = Improper breeze or burden about-face malfunction
Cool = Baptize acting 20 degrees beneath set point
ICE = Potential benumb action has been detected
Sn1 = Hi-limit sensor malfunction
Sn3 = Acting sensor malfunction
LOC = Interlock abortion - accessible pump or blast spike
(----) = Unknown baptize temperature. (Displays if Spa is aboriginal powered up afterwards refill).
Sundance Spa, one of the better spa manufacturers, uses the afterward absurdity codes.
ILOC = Interlock abortion - accessible pump or blast spike
FLO = Burden about-face malfunction or Breeze about-face malfunction (system specific).
Hold = Breeze About-face (heater is deactivated. Pump may aswell be deactivated).
Hold = Console buttons apprenticed to abounding times to quickly.
HOT = PCB temperature aloft adequate absolute - air blower on.
ICE = Potential benumb condition.

PnL = Communication amid the console and ambit lath is faulty.
(----) = "WATCHDOG" (spa is deactivated) A botheration has been detected. (system can not identify)
Sn1 = OPEN SENSOR (heater is deactivated) or SHORTED SENSOR (spa is deactivated).
Sn3 = OPEN SENSOR OR SHORTED SENSOR ( boiler disabled).
(This is not a complete account and your spa absurdity codes may alter depending on year and model.)
Notice the similarities and differences in the codes. Both use FLO,SN1,SN3 and ICE and so forth, Differences include, (----). Meaning absolutely altered things amid the two systems. You have to use the absurdity codes for your ascendancy arrangement to accurately analyze the botheration with your spa.
Lets yield a quick attending at the FLO absurdity code. Both manufacturers accompaniment FLO is acquired if a burden about-face malfunctions or a breeze about-face malfunctions. This can be the case in abounding situations, however, it is my acquaintance that the amount one could could cause of a spa announcement the absurdity cipher "FLO" is due to a bedraggled or beat out filter.
(Some manufacturers attack to attenuated down the FLO absurdity with altered displays of the code, i.e., a solid FLO or a aflame FLO (FLO absurdity blinks off and on).
Blinking FLO = Boiler has been deactivated, pump is on and Breeze / Burden about-face are open. (This agency the arrangement detects the spa has alleged for heat, the PC lath has activated ability to the pump, but it has not detected baptize flow. It deactivates the boiler to abstain accident to the heater).
Solid FLO = Pump is off, breeze or burden about-face is closed. (Meaning, the arrangement should not be audition baptize breeze because the PC Lath has not activated ability to the pump, but the breeze burden about-face is adage there is baptize flow. The breeze or burden about-face is ashore in the bankrupt position or shorted.)
A bedraggled or beat out clarify can could could cause several absurdity codes to be displayed. "OH" (over heat) because baptize is not affective bound abundant through the boiler barge and the top absolute detects too hot of baptize temperature. "FLO" because the clarify will not acquiesce abundant baptize through the boiler barge to actuate the breeze or burden switch. Filters should be replaced about annually or bi-annually if you use two altered filters. Filters should be rinsed thoroughly every month, and bankrupt appropriately every 3 months or so.
For added advice on absurdity codes for your spa, appointment Spa Parts Accumulation or acquaintance your spa architect for a account of codes that affect to your spa. If in doubt, alarm a spa account artisan for troubleshooting advice and repair.

find more at Sundance Spas

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